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Sergio Toporek

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Graphic designer, artist, documentarist and educator.

Started my professional incursion into visual communications in 1992 under the mentorship of Academy Award winner director Alejandro G. Iñárritu, and have worked for diverse clients such as Apple, Sony, Atlantic Records, Intuit Software, Warner Music, Bank of Montreal and The Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences.

Faculty member at the Vancouver Film School since 2005, where I teach typography, 2D graphics and visual communications.

Wrote, directed and animated a documentary about the history, regulation and social effects of mediated representation. 9 years in the making, “Beware of Images” opened to sold out audiences in Vancouver and has been screened at festivals and educational institutions in Canada, the US, Mexico and Europe.

Passionate about education. Fascinated by the relationship between perception, representation and reality. Love music, art, philosophy, history and physics.

Most of what truly matters I have learned from those who call me ""Topo"", ""Topil"", ""Flaquito"", ""Flachucho"", “el más malcriado de todos mis hijos”, ""Gigio""... (for a full list of nicknames, please contact my friends and family).



Dec 2019 (Cohort 13)


  • 2D Designer
  • Animator / VFX
  • Entrepreneur
  • Movie Producer
  • Writer