The student apartments are located above CDM, steps away from the classrooms and collaboration spaces. The furnished apartments provide bright, comfortable living spaces for students in the Master of Digital Media (MDM) and Pre-MDM program. Living on campus is an opportunity for students to expand their learning experience and develop connections with their peers.
- Student Apartment Application Form
- Student Apartment FAQ
- [SAMPLE] Rental Agreement *different rental rates are applicable to the different apartment styles
Housing is first come, first serve, or due by May 31, 2025, whichever comes first.
Interested MDM and Pre-MDM students can contact Student Services for more information about the apartments.
Non-MDM students can contact Kim Schuss or Carolyn Pipke for information on availability.
*Please note that a Disclosure Agreement is also included with the Apartment Application Form. Make sure to read through the documents carefully, and fill in the necessary information as requested.
Unit Specifications
- Single-Occupancy Studio: (313 sq.ft) ($1,103.49/month)
- Single-Occupancy Large: (317 sq.ft). ($1,131.22/month)
- Double-Occupancy Studio, Large: (320 - 368 sq. ft) ($1,219.64 - $1,303.12/month)
- Double-Occupancy 1-Bedroom: (498 sq.ft) ($1,447.30 - $1606.44/month)
* Rent is subject to change.
Apartment Features
- Separate bathroom with shower and vanity in all units
- Kitchen includes a fridge, oven, microwave, sink and cabinetry
- Large windows
- Tiled kitchen and bathroom, carpeted living space
- Safety conscious building with key card entry and 24-hour security
- Quiet hours and Code of Conduct regulated
On Site Features
- Laundry facilities - laundry card operated, on second floor
- Mailboxes - personal lockable boxes located on ground floor at residential lobby entrance
- Fitness Facility
Included Furnishings
- Double/full bed and mattress cover
- Desk and chair
- Small sofa and coffee table
- Table and task lights
- On-site interior bicycle storage & end-of-trip facilities
- Part of the City of Vancouver designated bicycle route- Central Valley Greenway
- Located on a main bus route, and between two city SkyTrain stations
- Mobi bicycle-sharing stations located close to campus
Photos of student apartments

Paying Rent
All rent at CDM is prepaid in quarterly instalments. Dates are subject to change.
Application Fee: $50.00 non-refundable
- DUE: When Housing Application is submitted.
Security Deposit: 50% months’ rent
- DUE: On or before June 30
1st Quarter Rent: Sept, Oct, Nov
- DUE: August 1
2nd Quarter Rent: Dec, Jan, Feb
- DUE: November 1
3rd Quarter Rent: Mar, Apr, May
- DUE: February 1
4th Quarter Rent: June, July, Aug
- DUE: May 1
May 31: Deadline to apply for housing
June 15: Contract and payment information will be sent to MDM and Pre-MDM students
June 30: Signed contract and payment due
September 1: Move-in day
August 28: Move-out day
*dates are subject to change.