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Valerie Ma

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A Vancouver local, Valerie Ma graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Cognitive Systems from the University of British Columbia. Through this multidisciplinary program she pursued her interest in the design and understanding of intelligent systems such as video games and simulations. Her university experiences include designing LEGO robots, creating two short films, and working as a research assistant at an infant studies center.

Valerie is passionate about games, particularly game design and story writing, and has been avidly following the games industry and playing games since she can remember. She is especially enthusiastic about Japanese role-playing games due to their colourful casts and richly imagined fantasy worlds, and hopes to work on projects where characters and storytelling are at the center of the design.

In 2011 Valerie was responsible for testing Electronic Arts' EA Sports Online. Now through the MDM program, she hopes to meet with others who are knowledgeable and passionate about games and put her creative potential to use. Valerie sees herself as a multi-talented, flexible individual. In addition to being a passionate writer, she also has a musical background, is an avid photographer and video maker, website creator and blogger, and regularly uses programs such as Flash and Photoshop for art and animation. In the future she would like to work as a game designer, producer and/or writer.


Dec 2014 (Cohort 8)