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Wayland Bang

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Wayland completed his undergrad in Interactive Systems Design, an interdisciplinary degree that incorporates computer science, psychology, and fine arts from the University of Saskatchewan. His main focus was in UX design and game development.

He started his interest in digital media when he worked part-time as an undergraduate research assistant at the Human Computer Interaction Lab at the University of Saskatchewan. His duties included organizing participants, running participants through studies, and then discussing the findings with the researchers afterwards. He has also worked at SaskTel as a developer and an analyst for a summer, and an IT support specialist for the web hosting company, BlackSun, during the rest of his school years.

After completing his degree, he has experience in programming, game development, interaction design, prototyping, and user testing.

Wayland decided to join the MDM program to work with groups of various backgrounds and to develop the essential skills for better communication. In doing so, he hopes it will help him become a good leader and to one day inspire others in his field.


Dec 2019 (Cohort 13)


  • UI Designer
  • UX Designer
  • Programmer (C++, C#, Python, Java...)
  • Unity Programmer