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Shaping Future Careers with MDM Practicum

June 20, 2024
Portraits of MDM visiting students

What if you could work on real-world projects, collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds, and develop valuable skills that shape your future career?

Each year, students from Simon Fraser University (SFU), University of British Columbia (UBC), and around the world—armed with skills in programming, game engines, XR, and other technical fields—join the MDM to collaborate with the current MDM cohort. This visiting student program is more than an exchange; it’s a journey that transcends borders, fostering collaboration and innovation.

Portraits of MDM visiting students

Meet Preet, Linea, and Julian, three remarkable students who brought their unique skills and perspectives to CDM this semester.

  • Preet Dhadda from Simon Fraser University worked with Metro Vancouver to develop an interactive VR immersive experience. "It felt like a glimpse into real-world projects I might encounter in my career," Preet shared. "Compared to my university's curriculum, this experience was more dynamic and realistic."
  • Julian Moczko from the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland, collaborated with Chupacabra Game Studios on a roguelike deck-builder game, focusing on the user interface, user experience, and visual identity. Julian found the experience to be a revelation. "At CDM, every skill, no matter how small, found its place in the project," he said.
  • Linnea Aarup from Dania Academy in Denmark worked with BC Children's Hospital Digital Lab on a VR gamified at-home rehabilitation exercise. Linnea highlighted the importance of the connections made during her time at CDM. "You’ll meet people from all different kinds of places, students, and faculty alike," she emphasized.

Developing valuable skills and connections

During their time at CDM, the students worked on real-world client projects, developing valuable skills in project management, teamwork, and adaptability. Preet worked with Metro Vancouver to develop an interactive VR immersive experience, while Linea collaborated with BC Children's Hospital Digital Lab on a VR gamified at-home rehabilitation exercise. Julian worked with Chupacabra Game Studios on a roguelike deck-builder game, developing the user interface, user experience, and visual identity.

Screenshot of BCH Digital Lab Game

A gateway to new possibilities

The benefits of joining the MDM Practicum extend beyond skill development. The program offers unparalleled opportunities to build a professional network and gain exposure to cutting-edge technologies in digital media. "The connections made at CDM will undoubtedly shape my future career," Preet noted. Julian emphasized the importance of adaptability and effective communication in every project. "At CDM, every skill, no matter how small, found its place in the project”

Screenshot of VR Demo

Join the MDM Practicum

Would they recommend other students to join the MDM practicum? Without hesitation, they all concurred. "For students who enjoy their project work at school but perhaps are yearning for more freedom and responsibility on meaningful projects for real clients, then this practicum is a great choice,” says Preet. “That is the reason why I chose to apply, and the experience delivered what I was hoping for."

With 96% of MDM graduates reporting employment within a year (source: 2024 Alumni Survey), the program stands as a gateway to a successful career in digital media and creative technology. If you’re interested in developing valuable skills, working on real-world client projects, and building a network of professionals, apply to learn more about the practicum.

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