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Nancy (Leqi) Wan

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Nancy Wan

Nancy is a passionate software developer who recently graduated from University of British Columbia with a BSc degree in Combined Major of Computer Science and Statistics. During her undergraduate, she was a hackathon enthusiast and always enjoyed working on side projects with other peers, which has inspired her creativity and brought to her attention the importance of facilitating social good through technologies.

Besides her academic background, she also had plenty of industry experiences through her previous internships. Her first internship started at SAP as a UI developer for the HANA Analytics Cloud Platform where she mainly worked on resolving cross-platform UI bugs, investigating build test failures, and implementing customer requested features, etc. Then she jumped into her second internship at RBC as a full-stack web developer under the Digital Workplace Solutions team where she took the ownership of building a chatbot management middleware and other add-ons to the corporate’s internal collaboration website.

While specialized in full-stack web development and data science, she also holds a strong curiosity towards the interactive media industry. She has always been hoping to utilize emerging technologies to facilitate social good and promote them to broader audiences, which is also why she aspires to join the MDM program to expand her skillset in 2D/3D game(Unity) and AR/VR development through the exciting industry projects. She loves to work with talented peers with different skillsets and gain inspiration from them, thus she genuinely wishes to level up her teamwork skills and acquire new perspectives persistently throughout the program. Upon graduating, she aims to pursue a career as a Unity game developer or a full-stack developer in the interactive media industry. Lots of opportunities are awaiting explorations!


Dec 2022 (Cohort 16)


  • Front End Developer
  • Programmer (C++, C#, Python, Java...)
  • Unity Programmer
  • Web Developer (HTML/CSS/Java Script...)