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Rebecca – or Patricia as she’s currently known – is a lady of multiple names and multiple talents. Graduating Magna Cum Laude from the honors program, she received her BFA in Graphic Design and minor in English from the University of Georgia. She then interned for six and a half months at The Adsmith, a local Athens design Firm. She currently resides in the Vancouver Metro area, studying at the Center for Digital Media. In her first two semesters she and two teams worked with a major Canadian network, Knowledge Kids: designing an app prototype in semester one, and creating a functioning website add-on in semester two. She currently works with Unclickable Studios on creating a game for the leap peripheral. By 2014 Patricia will be in possession of her Graduate Diploma, having completed the Master of Digital Media.  


Her interests in the digital realm do not begin and end at games, though, make no mistake; Patricia lives for art, drawing, and digital painting. She’s currently in production on a web-comic tie-in, and has created and self-published an illustrated children’s book. She adores storytelling, writes for an e-serialization, and believes interactive stories are the way of the future.


Dec 2013 (Cohort 7)