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Adam Labecki

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Adam Labecki was was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia. In 2002 he completed a combined honours degree in Philosophy and Contemporary Studies (an interdisciplinary program focused on Continental post-modern theory) at Dalhousie University. During this time, his studies were centered around contemporary Continental Philosophy and the History of Philosophy. In 2016 he completed a Masters of Classics, also at Dalhousie, for which the wrote a thesis on the metaphysics of the Roman philosopher Plotinus. In 2013, he completed a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Kentucky, for which he wrote a dissertation on metaphysics and quantified modal logic. In 2014, he began a Second Bachelor degree program in Computing Science at Simon Fraser University, where he expects to graduate in Spring 2018. He is interested in the use of logical programming for AI and designing and building strategy games. He has also occasionally written musical compositions.
