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Jonathan Chan

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Jonathan is studying Computer Science at the University of British Columbia and will be graduating with a second Bachelor’s degree in May. Since starting his Computer Science degree at UBC, Jonathan has had a steady interest in studying human-computer interaction (HCI). As part of one of his school projects, he helped research and design an interactive mall directory. His main purpose of joining MDM was to start applying his knowledge into creating new and exciting user experiences. In the future, he hopes to establish his career in the field of HCI, where he will be able to design intuitive user interfaces for innovative technologies.

During his studies, Jonathan participated in the co-op program to gain industry experience and to create products that will benefit the daily lives of others. His first work placement was at NetApp, which specializes in data storage, cloud computing and data management services. While working as a quality assurance tester there, he learned how having a comprehensive test suite can positively impact the software development process. He later moved on to work for Telus, where he was responsible for creating a system-monitoring application. This application enabled developers and analysts to quickly identify any problems with new software deployments.

