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Vandna Sidher

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Since graduating from Simon Fraser University with a degree in Communications and a minor in Publishing, Vandna has worked in public and private sectors within communications, publishing and public relations. She has gained experience working on strategic communication, organizational branding strategies; and designing and managing media relations campaigns. Also, as a classically trained dance artist and teacher, Vandna has from a young age been fascinated with Vancouver's contemporary connections to the diverse and multicultural history, art, and culture of our global citizens. As an effective communicator, she enjoys collaborating with multi-disciplinary teams. Currently, as part of her industry project at MDM, Vandna is excited to be working alongside her team, Thundercats, in developing proposals for interactive transmedia narrative projects in partnership with the National Film Board of Canada. As a student of this innovative program that brings together curious minds, Vandna would like to combine her interests with the convergence of digital media.


Aug 2012 (Cohort 5)