Bettsina Walkinson was born in Mexico City but grew up in Chihuahua, a northern state in Mexico. She is a visual artist and musician who is currently pursuing her Master in Digital Media in Vancouver, Canada.
Bettsina is very interested on how the crossover between technology, art and design can help people to better communicate, understand and learn. Her production focuses on combining a broad range of media such as drawing, sound experimentation and electronic devices to engage people in creative learning experiences.
Before the MDM program she obtain her Bachelor in Visual and Media Arts Degree from the Centro de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (CEDIM) in Monterrey, Mexico. During her studies she worked as an installation artist and assistant director in a contemporary art gallery, where she had the opportunity to learn about curating and coordinating exhibitions as well as the management of the gallery.
After enrolling at the Centre for Digital Media, Bettsina had the opportunity to collaborate with clients such as the First Nations Technology Council and Roadhouse Interactive, where she was in charge of directing the art. Currently, she is working on a pitched project called BU-O directing the concept art for a web platform that facilitates collaborative innovation.
She is very passionate about games, interactive storytelling and the process of learning through music. In the future she would like to become and Art Director for interactive projects and continue developing art installations on the side.
“We move around coloured things, everything is made by numbers and we talk about them with the sound of letters.” -bw