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Dylan Matthias

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Dylan grew up in a rural Nova Scotia town known for its poets, jazz musicians, political free-thinkers, and high-quality sod. He was fortunate enough to meet teachers and friends who fostered a passion for innovative storytelling, new communication, and thinking outside the box.

While studying journalism at the University of King's College, Dylan worked as editor-in-chief of North America's oldest campus newspaper, The Dalhousie Gazette. He covered local sports extensively and has appeared on The CIS Blog and SSN Canada. Dylan's also had experience as an online managing editor and a freelance book editor. He's comfortable with basic content editing programs and has even started to enjoy impossible deadlines.

Dylan also puts words on paper in original order. He's been writing for ten years, and led a team of young, local writers in producing a theatrical script based on their own experiences. He worked as head writer and associate producer for the project.

Though in love with fiction, it was a game that first made Dylan cry, and from that point he's known that interactive narrative possesses tremendous power. Dylan comes to the Centre for Digital Media to build a professional portfolio and broaden his understanding of game creation to include production and narrative design. Games provide the kind of diverse worlds in which Dylan thrives, and he looks forward to puzzling out the nature of digital narratology throughout his Master's of Digital Media degree.

Dylan is eager to dive headfirst into whatever the CDM can throw at him. He's pretty confident there will always be words, no matter the medium.


Dec 2014 (Cohort 8)