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Timothy Small

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Tim graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Honours Physics with a Minor in Math at the University of British Columbia in 2017. During his undergraduate program, he explored complex physical systems using the Python, Matlab and Java programming languages, culminating in the publication of a NSERC funded research paper

For six years, Tim has been heavily involved in music production, technology, and sound design, writing and mixing music in software such as Ableton, FL Studio, and Logic Pro. He also loves working with and dissecting audio performance hardware and analogue synthesizers, and he recently assembled a self-designed prototype for an arcade style MIDI controller.

Through the MDM program, Tim hopes to hone his skills and make valuable connections in the fields of sound design and audio production, and with companies that develop music related hardware and software.

Tim’s aspiration after graduation is to become either a sound designer in the entertainment industry or a software/hardware developer for an audio company, all the while producing and performing music for personal projects.


Dec 2018 (Cohort 12)


  • Programmer (C++, C#, Python, Java...)
  • Producer
  • Sound Designer
  • Writer