Eagle Eye
Back to ProjectsThe main objective is to overcome the limitation of current marketing automation tools and create an engaging campaign to attract potential Toyota buyers. We “Eagle Eye” are working with Toyota BC dealer to generate an alternative reality experience. The purpose of the campaign will be to collect a database of the car commuters. Currently brands in the car industry are using marketing automation tool to communicate with their customer, but it lacks personalized interaction.
We will develop a basic prototype and story of the VR interactive experience that engages with potential buyers and gets them to share their email address. The tasks of the project are: (A) Give meaningful incentives to potential costumers that will encourage them to share their information. (B) Design an innovative marketing automation campaign that will promote the car features and value added services Toyota offers to the car buyers. The idea of the project is to offer a customised car and journey that is best suited to customers needs.
UBC student, Chris Dileo, is also on this team.