Back to ProjectsQuupe is a mobile-first shared-economy application for neighbours to rent and borrow cool things from one another. People can rent things in a variety of categories: kayaks, power washers, electronics and kitchen appliances. (It’s limited for now, but we’ll grow our offerings in beta, January 2017.)
Having a community base of shared resources will be great for every type of user. For people who want access to cool things (borrowers), Quupe will be an easy, affordable, and convenient way to try something new. And for people who have too many things (lenders), Quupe will let them find value (and even joy!) in the stuff that otherwise sits in storage -- by getting it out, dusting it off, and getting it into the hands of people who can use it.
Here’s what makes Quupe different: We keep it simple, simple, simple. We’ll make the app as easy as possible for users, with features like geolocation, in-app payments, a rent calculator, image recognition, curation, and even delivery.
For everyone who uses it, Quupe represents a new way to connect to the people of Greater Vancouver. There are 2.4 million people out there, all with interesting and diverse backgrounds, stories, lives — oh, and yeah, stuff.