Back to Projects"To entertain, to play, and to have fun", that is the basis our team was formed upon.
Asobi, the team name, is the Japanese word for fun, which is the key element that resonates with our client for this project. The team aspires to create and learn about new, fun and entertaining methods of play. The focus of this project is to research and develop new avenues towards social entertainment.
At its current stage, the project is open to several creative directions. Asobi, as a team, would like to ensure the utilization of communication as a key element of play and incorporate it alongside traditional key elements (Competition, Chance, Role-Playing, Perception-Altering) in our ideas or innovations. Our mission is to propel our client as an innovative frontrunner in the ever-evolving social entertainment landscape. As a team, we hope to assist our client in understanding the North American social and mobile gaming environment, in order to establish a strong foothold and a sustainable consumer base.