Back to ProjectsWith the U.S. Department of Energy, the at Vancouver's Centre for Digital Media created 3D interactive simulations that illustrate, in vivid fashion, future scenarios developed by the Global Energy and Environmental Strategic Ecosystem (GlobalEESE). GlobalEESE's mission is to create a strategic foresight capacity around the security issues of energy and environment. The simulations incorporate traditional game features and science based projections.
"The students of the MDM Program who worked on Precipice were professional, creative and deadline-oriented. They produced extremely high quality work under tight deadlines all the while creating a successful environment for communication, interaction and camaraderie.
Precipice represents an extraordinary achievement and a significant milestone in the evolution of Global EESE. Precipice will play a key role in communicating the challenges and opportunities we face as a global community due to the effects of climate change and how individuals and/or organizations can better understand these complex interactions and take steps to find shared solutions. A big thank you to the MDM student team for helping bring Global EESE to exciting new heights."
-- U.S. Department of Energy